Get Published. Get Professional.
Are you a student of journalism? Maybe you are an idealist and want to make change in the world but see no opening in a media world that controlled narratives are your job rather than investigative journalism to really find the truth.
Perhaps you are a jaded professional journalist and would like the freedom to have something that is actually factual published without adhering to sinister political agendas.
You could be a writer with political interests whom disturbed by the politics of media has something to say.
Or you could be a citizen journalist who wants to earn a little whilst doing what you know is right and what you are basically doing now.
We are all tired of so called professional journalists whom are little more than actors pushing sinister agendas for corrupt billionaires whom think they are important because money and power has given them a platform to indoctrinate you.
Now you have a platform like they do to replace them like their agendas to replace you.
Now you can be published on a news site with more readers than they have, and a news site that is actually trusted. In today's awakened world that makes us unique, in turn makes you special.
Join the revolution where the pen is truly mightier than the sword.
You do not need to be the next Voltaire, we are more interested in facts than style, just make sure your work is coherent and at least a couple of hundred words if it is a news post. You can also pay and be paid for your news posts, videos, poems podcasts etc here.
1. Click on a package below.
2. Register with us.
3. Login to your interface.
4. Enter your submission.
5. We will approve or not.
Job done! You just got published!
We will add your submission with the relevant payment options for readers to buy you a coffee ( a donation of their choice), or the choice to pay your set amount.
Readers can follow you, share your work on social media so you can build up a following. Please remember if you have a social media background this is an elevation from that standard of content.
We wish you all the success in the world and have kept the pricing down to hopefully make it worth your while financially.
Who knows where this could lead, but be sure you will go down on the right side of history as pioneers. Dangerous times often make the most exciting historical reads. Enjoy your writing, You know basically what we are about if you feel this is for you join us, help us grow, feel the freedom flow from your finger tips. Let us be the change. Let us be the choice.